Bewitched Kids Corner {19} – Mystery on the LEGO Express (LEGO City) by Trey King

Posted 3 October, 2014 by Heather in Bewitched Kids Corner, Blog, Bookworms, Heather, Heather Book Review, meme / 3 Comments

Bewitched Kids Corner {19} – Mystery on the LEGO Express (LEGO City) by Trey KingLEGO City: Mystery on the LEGO Express by Trey King
Published by Scholastic Inc. on 2014-08-26
Genres: Action & Adventure, General, Railroads & Trains, Toys, Dolls & Puppets, Toys, Dolls, Puppets, Transportation, Young Adult
Pages: 24
4 Stars

All aboard! Time to take a wild ride on the LEGO(R) Express train! When a famous actress loses her award statue on the LEGO Express, it is up to Mr. Clue to solve this action-packed and hilarious mystery-adventure!

Happy Friday, and welcome to the latest installment of our feature.

My son started kindergarten this year and the Scholastic book fair was last week. One of the six books that he picked out was Mystery on the LEGO Express. My son absolutely adores LEGO and we’ve liked many of the LEGO books that Trey King has written, and this one was very enjoyable for both myself and my 5-year old.

Detective Mr. Clue is going on a much needed vacation via train, but it seems that he can’t leave his job behind for a little rest and relaxation just yet because a blond movie star thinks that her golden award has been stolen. You follow Mr. Clue as he questions the occupants of the train car, including a boxer, robot, a rich woman, a grandpa, an astronaut, and several other LEGO minifigures to get to the bottom of the crime.

Mystery on the LEGO Express is fun, quirky, and walks kids through a little mystery step by step, interviewing each suspect. There’s even a chase before the big reveal. My son and I give this one a four out of five since it is a fun book with great humor and a few gags. Just be warned if you like to do different voices for each character. There are over eight different characters, so you’ll definitely be using your voice acting skills with this one to entertain you’re little one like I did–but it’s so worth it when they laugh and do the voices with you!


Bewitched Bookworms


Rating 4



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I'm a PhD chemist who loves sarcasm, music, and books-paranormal, mystery, thriller, suspense, horror, and romance. Most of my free time is spent at the martial arts studio these days--whether practicing Combat Hapkido or reading books while watching my son's Taekwondo classes, or even working up a sweat with Kickboxing for fun. Goodreads

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