Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo – Blog Tour of OMFG!

Posted 12 June, 2014 by Pushy in Blog, Blog Tour, Featured, Giveaways, Pushy / 79 Comments

A mere two years ago, there was a little, literary fox who had gone to a book signing for a friend.  And at that same signing, the fox met an author that has, for two years straight, rocked her little foxy sox off!  Indeed, dear reader….I was that fox.  The author was none other than Leigh Bardugo!  So when a few months ago, the lovely, generous, bright, good-looking folks over at Macmillian asked if we wanted to be part of blog tour for Ruin and Rising well…of course I said, “Yes!”  Actually, there was some SQUEEing, shouting and desperate excitement involved…but let’s not get into that.  *wink*

So it is with great pleasure that we Bookworms welcome you to the….


WOO-HOO, Grisha lovers!!!!  Can you believe our wait is NEARLY over!?!?!?!  Yep, in a short 5 days, I’m going to have the Darkling and Sturmhound in my grubby foxy paws again.  In book form of course.  I KNOW THIS!  I’m not delusional….much….

RUIN and RISING Posters

For our stop, we’re featuring one of the three posters that have been made to celebrate the three aspects of Alina:  Soldier, Summoner and Saint.  You’ve already seen the Soldier poster over at Dark Readers and Forever Young Adult earlier in the tour, and if you’re like me, you loved the way the artist captured both the innocence and the determination in Alina’s face, how her stance, not quite clear if she’s moving forward or backward, but with the definite sense of motion, gave Alina the feeling of both purpose and foiled action.

So now we have for you, the Summoner….

Summoner Poster Image

Notice her face in this poster.  The slant of her eyebrows and the set of her mouth.  This Alina is tougher than we’ve ever seen her.  Her power frizzes around her, electrifying the elements around her.  Her amplifiers surround her neck and wrists, part adornment, part shackle (could there be some underlying vulnerability there?).  And at the center of the image is her sun, the light, the symbol and manifestation of her power.  She’s strong and she’s fierce, but she’s isolated… and she’s about to go through the most difficult period of her life.

I love this image so much!!  Here’s what Leigh had to say about this image….

Leigh’s words on the SUMMONER poster:

With the Soldier and Saint panels, it’s clear where in the timeline of the trilogy they occur. But with Summoner, we wanted there to be a bit more ambiguity. You might be glimpsing Morozova’s collar, but it might also just be a pattern on Alina’s clothing, so Alina could be the newly discovered Sun Summoner of Shadow and Bone, or the returning Sun Summoner of Siege and Storm. There’s also a significant amount of black in Alina’s clothing and it’s clear that she’s walking a line between the Darkling’s influence and her own authority.

Dark and Light…Strong and Vulnerable…What do YOU think of this image of Alina??

And now, here’s all you need to know to get your paws on these amazing books!  Stay tuned below for information on the contest we’re running in conjunction with the tour!



Ruin&Risingby Leigh Bardugo

Pub. Date: June 17th 2014 by Henry Holt and Co.

Find it:

AmazonBarnes & NobleGoodreads

The capital has fallen. The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation’s fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova’s amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling’s secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for.


gorgeousLeighAbout Leigh:

Leigh Bardugo is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Shadow and Bone and Siege and Storm. She was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Los Angeles, and graduated from Yale University, and has worked in advertising, journalism, and most recently, makeup and special effects. These days, she’s lives and writes in Hollywood where she can occasionally be heard singing with her band.

Where you can find Leigh

Website | TwitterFacebook | Tumbler | Goodreads

Tour Schedule:



One lucky winner will get a copy of the SUMMONER poster AND a copy of Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo!!! YAY!!

Traditional fine print applies; US/Canada only.

And don’t forget, you can get an extra entry if you tell us what YOU think of Alina in the SUMMONER poster?

Love her as the SUMMONER?  Prefer her as the SOLDIER?  Reserving judgment until you see the SAINT?  Have you already seen them all?  Let us know!!!!

Pushy signature watercolor

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Lover of words and authors; absolute fan girl of books! Give me a good story, with characters I can love (and hate) and I'll follow you anywhere. Sing me a song of worlds I can dream of, and I'll listen forever.

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79 Responses to “Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo – Blog Tour of OMFG!”

  1. Samantha Wallace

    I love the poster especially the dragons on the side. She also looks like a person you don’t want to start a fight with for any reason. Thanks for the giveaway!! 🙂

    Reply »

  2. Alison H.

    Alina looks amazing. She reminds me of the Queen Elsa from Frozen. Remember when Elsa changed her Queenly clothes for a blue dress? Well, that is what this poster reminds me of.

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  3. Carl

    I’m very impressed with all the symbolism in the poster and the many hidden and ambiguous meanings. Very clever, very intriguing. Thanks.

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  4. Sabrina

    I think Alina looks done with being a mousy quiet girl all her life. She’s gaining independence and finally accepting her power, and her true self, for who she is. I love the poster very much! It shows just how ready she is to slice a monster in two.

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  5. Stephanie T.

    LOVELOVELOVE! I absolutely support her strength as a summoner. She’s through with being pushed around, and it’s her time to shine (ba-dum-tss… did anyone else get that?). Though I do lover her as a summoner the most, I’m curious as to what the Saint poster will look like.

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  6. Nancy L.R.

    OMG! I am so excited for this book! She looks like such a badass here, she is done with everyone.
    Definitely one of my favorite series.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

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  7. Linnea Pietsch

    Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway and I love the summoner poster!! It really shows the determination in her face and how she’s really trying to show this is who she is.

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  8. Isabella

    Whoa Alina looks so kick-butt, badass! I love the poster cuz you can see what kind of clothes she wears and, my favorite, what a kefta looks like. But really, I saw the Soldier poster too and she looks (idk how it’s possible) even more intense. I think the Summoner one is my fav tho cuz it really captures Alina’s ferocity and power.

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  9. Britt

    I LOVE this poster – Alina as the summoner is my favourite Alina, as that is when she is TRULY being herself…even though she tried to repress that. LOVE these books!

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  10. Des

    I love Alina as the Summoner! I’ve always been a fan of the Sun and it’s life-giving power, the way you could just look up at it and literally squint and marvel at just how something so far can be so brilliant at the same time, lighting up all that you see. Alina, being depicted with that kind of power, well, that’s just thrilling.

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  11. Markella

    I love the look in her eyes! It’s not what I pictured of her, but nothing will ever be but the image in my head so with that considered, I love it!

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  12. Kayla C

    I LOVE this poster!! Alina looks totally fierce and strong and don’t-even-try-to-mess-with-me-becuase-I-will-tear-you-apart. Can’t wait for Ruin & Rising!!!!!

    Reply »

  13. Yusra

    Honestly? She looks just plain badass here! And very determined. Also, the costume reminds me a bit of the Avatar the last air bender world, which is pretty cool!

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  14. Christine

    It’s gorgeous! Not exactly how I pictured her (I pictured her paler), but it’s still stunning, and the illustration overall is just amazing.

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  15. Megan R

    I”m totally drooling over The Summoner. This image is different than what I think of when I picture Alina in my head, because think I’m more comfortable with Alina the soldier– which is why I’m digging this image. She’s go such a spark (in both senses of the word)!

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