Waiting on Wednesday – Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke

Posted 10 April, 2013 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Meme, Waiting on Wednesday / 36 Comments

Welcome to my favorite Feature:

“Waiting on” Wednesday is hosted weekly by Jill at Breaking the Spine.

Dissonance by Erica O'Rourke


Dissonance by 

Expected publication: September 2012

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Dissonance by Erica O'Rourke

Uhm can we take a moment to admire this cover made of beauty? 

Delancy Sullivan has always known there’s more to reality than what people see. Every time someone makes a choice, a new, parallel world branches off from the existing one. Eating breakfast or skipping it, turning left instead of right, sneaking out instead of staying in bed ~ all of these choices create an alternate universe in which an echo self takes the road not travelled and makes the opposite decision.

As a Walker, someone who can navigate between these worlds, Del’s job is to keep all of the dimensions in harmony. Normally, Del can hear the dissonant frequency that each world emits as clear as a bell. But when a training session in an off-key world goes horribly wrong, she is forbidden from Walking by the Council. But Del’s not big on following the rules and she secretly starts to investigate these other worlds. Something strange connecting them and it’s not just her random encounters with echo versions of the guy she likes, Simon Lane.

But Del’s decisions have unimaginable consequences and, as she begins to fall for the Echo Simons in each world, she draws closer to a truth that the Council of Walkers is trying to hide ~ a secret that threatens the fate of the entire multiverse

Parallel Universes is rather hot right now in YA. I don’t mind though as I find this rather fascinating and exciting! If the concept is not too complicated :)) But .. this one also comes with one of the prettiest covers ever!!!!! 

Much Love,


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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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36 Responses to “Waiting on Wednesday – Dissonance by Erica O’Rourke”

  1. I like the cover — it’s a girl in a dress but I like how it works with the premise (you know me, cover ‘ho!). And parallel worlds really are so popular at the moment, aren’t they? Weird how that happens. I’m not the biggest fan but I’ve liked some and hated others so it’s always worth a shot, especially if the premise is good.
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  2. WOW Danny! Just look at that cover? I honestly wouldn’t even have needed to read the blurb to put this one on my list, but I did, and it sounds fabulous. Gah! Why must October be so far away! Maybe we’ll get lucky and they’ll have this one at BEA:)

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