Review: Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Posted 20 March, 2013 by Pushy in Blog, Featured, Pushy, Pushy Book Review / 13 Comments

Unravel Me by Tahereh MafiUnravel Me

Genre: YA Dystopian
Publication: February 5th 2013 by HarperCollins
Audiobook purchased by reviewer
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synopsis from Goodreads






it’s almost

time for war.

Juliette has escaped to Omega Point. It is a place for people like her—people with gifts—and it is also the headquarters of the rebel resistance.

She’s finally free from The Reestablishment, free from their plan to use her as a weapon, and free to love Adam. But Juliette will never be free from her lethal touch.

Or from Warner, who wants Juliette more than she ever thought possible.

In this exhilarating sequel to Shatter Me, Juliette has to make life-changing decisions between what she wants and what she thinks is right. Decisions that might involve choosing between her heart—and Adam’s life

Dark gets darker as Juliette’s tale unfolds….

Omega Point – the beginning and the end

Shatter Me, the first book in this series, ends with Juliette at Omega Point, a safe haven for others with powers like Juliette’s.  Unravel Me picks up shortly after and it’s clear that Juliette’s journey is just beginning.  Surrounded by people, but still isolating herself, Juliette has to come out of her shell and join her community before her tale can truly unfold.  Additionally, as she grows, she has to find out how she fits in, not just with Castle and Kenji and the others at Omega point, but with Adam as well.  Faced with challenges, from without and within, Juliette has to decide what it is she wants and what’s worth fighting for.

Juliette – the girl with power

While she spends most of the first book weak and helpless, Juliette finally learns to harness her power in this book.  And I don’t mean just her supernatural power but also her inner strength.  While, like in Shatter Me, she does spend a lot of time analyzing herself and her motives in this book, taking the reader through her every self doubt and second thought, I loved seeing into the inner workings of her mind and how she grew in this book.  It a beautiful portrait of the inner working of her mind that’s shared with the reader and while, at the end, Juliette may not be happy, she is stronger.

Adam & Warner – love isn’t easy

Ah….Adam and Warner.  Gosh, Juliette’s lucky, isn’t she?  I mean who wouldn’t fall for these guys??  While I’m undeniably Team Warner (I just can’t get enough of his tortured soul), I completely get the Team Adam perspective.  And I adore them both in this book.  However, after all the Team Warner buzz about this book, I have to say, I think this book is definitely for fans of Adam more.  Even I started swaying in my allegiances!!  Adam is there, doggedly, for Juliette in this book, no matter what tries to separate them and man loved him for it!  Don’t get me wrong though!  There’s plenty of delicious Warner goodness to go around.  Ms. Mafi did not leave us Warner lovers out in the cold.  *wink*

Team Kenji?

Speaking of guys I love, Kenji once again steals the show in this book.  I can’t tell you how much more I love this guy, and how much I want to know just exactly what this kid’s story is!!!  Come on, Tahereh!!!!  Throw us a novella about Kenji’s past!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!


Bewitched Rating


Bottom Line

While Unravel Me moves Juliette’s overall story forward on a few key fronts, it definitely more about character growth than anything else.  But with all the surprises that come up, I don’t know if I could have handled more action!!!  This is a great, fast-paced read which will have you flipping the pages to find out…WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!  And the ending, while not a cruel cliffhanger, will definitely leave you geared up for book 3!



Get your own Audiobook at Audible: Unravel Me (unabridged, 11hrs 57min)

Kate Simses once again hits it out of the park with her amazing portrayals of the varied cast of characters in this book. She’s mesmerizing and seamless as she shifts from the voice of a tortured Adam to a confused Juliette to a snarkily awesome Kenji. The audiobook is a PERFECT way to enjoy this title if your at all an audiobook fan!!

Final Question

So I’m dying to know…. if you read the book, do you think it’s more Team Adam than Team Warner focused?  And if you didn’t read the book, who would you most want to spend one day with and why?  Castle?  Juliette?  Warner????? *fans self*  Let me know!!!!
Now go and get lost…in a book!
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Lover of words and authors; absolute fan girl of books! Give me a good story, with characters I can love (and hate) and I'll follow you anywhere. Sing me a song of worlds I can dream of, and I'll listen forever.

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13 Responses to “Review: Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi”

  1. I don’t know. I definitely thought that the focus was more on Warner in this book than on Adam. The first third seemed to be a reexamination of Juliette’s and Adam’s relationship, but that quickly took a backseat when Warner entered the picture. Then, it’s all about his power and his motives and his feelings and determining if they’re real or contrived. I’m still solidly siding with Team Adam, but I do want Warner to have his HEA too.

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  2. KM

    Gah, this book. It’s SO GOOD! But I think I liked it more than you did. (I gave it 5 glowing stars.) I could NOT put that book down. Seriously. I couldn’t stop. I’m also Team Warner, but I thought he was more favorable in the book than Adam because all Adam did was follow her around and whine. I don’t know, that kinda annoyed me. I liked him in the first book, but I thought he was a little emasculated in this one and I was no longer interested in him. BUT KENJI! LOVE HIM! And I totally agree – A KENJI NOVELLA! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME I WOULD DIE!!!! lol
    KM recently posted..Waiting on Wednesday: The Girl with the Iron Touch, by Kady CrossMy Profile

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  3. well I would pick warner because he made me able to finish the first book. I don’t see the thing with adam at all. I only made it into 100 pages of this book and then stopped….I couldn’t take the whining ….I get that from kids and didn’t need to have juliette do it for so long 🙁 . My friends love this series

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  4. Ooh I’ve been meaning to read this one since it came out I can’t wait to see the progression in the characters especially Juliette! And I was also told this was great on audio and I’ve been listening to them while I work so I’ll be getting this one in audio too! 😀

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  5. I’m really looking forward to the story and the action in Unravel Me, but I’m actually dreading all of Juliette’s pages and pages of inner thoughts and confusions. There’s only so many times I could deal with her self-questioning in the previous book. Anyways, TEAM WARNER too! Haha, Adam is boooring.
    Janita @ Book, Interrupted recently posted..Waiting on Wednesday (7)My Profile

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  6. When I read Shatter Me, I was 104% TEAM ADAM. Warner was not for me, at all. And then… I read Unravel Me. Tahereh tore my heart out and made me so confused as to what I was thinking and I just… GAH. I started to really like Warner and care for him and I DON’T WANT TO. But I do… I was so confused as to what I was feeling after I finished Unravel Me that I sat for a good ten minutes just staring at the wall, thinking about everything and nothing. I don’t know what I’m going to do when book three comes out…
    Kristy F recently posted..Review: Under the Never Sky by Veronica RossiMy Profile

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  7. I loved this book. I read it last week and i still can’t get over how amazing it was. I really didn’t love Shatter Me so I was scared to read this one but I loved all of the character growth.

    I am fully on Team Warner but I do understand what you are saying about Adam having a huge role to play. I felt like he was missing in the beginning because he was hiding that secret from her and by time he stepped up it was too late for me. You can’t push away the girl you love for that amount of time and then suddenly decide you want to try to make the touch thing work with her. I did feel for Adam but I found him to be boring, sure he is fighting for the girl he loves in the end but it just didn’t work for me. That special Warner chapter was amazing and I loved every second of him telling her how much he wanted her to be more than his friend and his feelings for her. I love how tortured Warner is and his entire character impressed me so much in Unravel Me that there is no turning back for me it is Warner or bust!

    Thanks for the great review!
    Alexa recently posted..DirtyMy Profile

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  8. Kristin

    Just finished reading Shatter me yesterday, and though Mafi’s writing style sometimes made me wish Juliette would touch me (it got a lot better as the book went on), I loved it and can’t wait to read Unravel Me.

    Um, so many Team Warners? Really? It’s sort of like Damon from Vampire Diaries. Dude may be hot, but he’s a freaking killer!!!! And evil!!! And most likely crazy!!! He shot that rebel posing as a soldier in the head in front of everyone! And what he did to Adam later in the book?!

    I’m 110% Team Adam, I just love him, Kenji as well. Warner isn’t just tortured, he needs to be tortured after everything he’s done to so many people! Yeah, he may have a great backstory, which I want to find out, you know there’s something going on with dear old mom there, but a horrible past doesn’t give you a pass for the awful things you do later in life. And, yes, I know these are just fictional characters. But still!

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