Discussed! by Danny – The New Indie Authors

Posted 16 February, 2013 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Discussion / 27 Comments

Happy Saturday!

Recently, more and more Indie Authors got picked up by major publishing houses. It’s save to say that it became a trend. It started with the rais of the New Adult genre and I believe one of the first authors was Jamie McGuire with Beautiful Disaster (Correct me if I’m wrong here).

Since then more and more and more books got picked up. Authors are smart enough to generate an immense hype about their books before  the release. Then when the book finally is available on all the eBook resellers. BOOM … the books hits straight into the Top whatever list.

Publishers see this, get interested and offer a contract!

Woot! Awesomesauce.

Truly, this is an amazing time being an author who decided to self-publish. If your story hits the right audience your book can hit the stars and finally get you a big deal.

Recent News


Ten Tiny Breath – aquired by Atria Books | Reason To Breath – aquired by Razorbill

So, why is this happening now?

Do Indie Authors just get better and better and know how to do the right marketing for their books? 

Or, was it always like this, just now the Readers are more inclined to pick up an Indie Book because they know by know there are true gems among them ? 

But maybe… the publishers changed too. Now, they see that there are Authors who are brave enough to do this publishing journey on their own but who are brilliant authors? 

I admit, I have been a little cautious for some time with self – published books.

Now? I’m totally over this fear! And interestingly a lot of books I buy are self -published books. I mean, the prize is awesome and for $0.99 -3.99 I have an easy “click-buy and try” finger.

Does it change your mind when you hear a book is picked up by a major publishing house? Be honest here… because I am – sometimes it totally does.

What do you think about this trend? Might it even makes sense to first try and self-pub before you wait month and month to find an agent and an publisher on your own?

I’d love to hear the sites from readers but also the side from Indie Authors!

Much Love,

danny Siggy

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27 Responses to “Discussed! by Danny – The New Indie Authors”

  1. I think the rise of NA titles has probably helped here. I know S&S and Penguin in the UK have picked up several previously self-published books that fall into the NA category. If I’m being completely honest, then yes, knowing that a book is backed by a publisher makes it more likely for me to pick it up. But if there is enough praise and good reviews before a publisher moves in, then it’s probably enough to convince me. But it depends on each title…
    Sam @ Realm of Fiction recently posted..Review: The Gathering Dark by Christine JohnsonMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Oh Atria (S&S I believe) buy all the good sel-pub books right now.
    AND YES Sam – I’m honest too and I also think it helps seeing that the book got recognized by a publishing house!
    However, there are some titles which get a lot of praise from reviewers like Flat Out Love who is still a self-pub book..
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams – New Adult Monday’sMy Profile

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  2. I definitely don’t think this is a bad thing! I love when a new group of books emerges on the scene, especially ones that are hot romance. The only thing I’m leery of is if people write a YA book but just throw in gratuitous sex to make it NA and ride the coattails of a new trend. Still, a bunch of good books have come from it and I look forward to seeing more emerge!
    Mary @ BookSwarm recently posted..Speed Date with Bowen: HIGHLANDER MOST WANTED by Maya BanksMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Oh yes Mary I totally hate this too, just throwing in sex because sex sells? That’s not why I love NA books so much!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams – New Adult Monday’sMy Profile

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  3. I agree with you, the Indie author is making a huge wave in the publishing industry right now. Id say 80 percent of what Im reading is Indie turned into published books right now. I love that some of my favorites like Ten Tiny Breaths, Slammed and Reason to Breath are all getting much deserved attention. I guess the only thing that makes me a little mad is the fact that these pubs buy them up and raise the price from 99 cents/2.99 (the norm) to 5.99/7.99 like Ive seen, thats a 5-to 800 percent increase!! Thats why when I see these Indies come out I always grab them at the low price before they get gobbled up by mainstream. Did you hear Beautiful Disaster and On the Island got movie deals ?? Cant wait!!!!
    Tina recently posted..The Saturday Spotlight with Marie Landry and Giveaway of The Game ChangerMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Oh no I haven’t heard of the Movie Deals before! but that’s awesome!
    And… I haven’t read The Island because it feels like Adult, right?

    The Price… yes I hate this so much and I also try to get the book because the raise… Plus, I’m being honest I spend $4 much quicker than $8!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams – New Adult Monday’sMy Profile

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  4. Meeep I saw that K.A. Tucker got picked up by Atria and I am SO HAPPY!! Ten Tiny Breaths completely deserves that.

    I think it’s awesome that publishers are doing this. Most of the indie authors who get picked up have already ‘proven’ themselves and their books in the industry. I feel like they get rewarded for all their hard work, and then readers who may not normally read indie books get to read some great “was-once-indie” books once they get that additional boost/exposure from the publishers.

    Awesomeness all around. <3

    I do agree with Tina though. It's always a bummer to see the prices go up. I know why they have to do it, but it still sucks a little. I've been fortunate enough to read most of these books when they were indie though, so I get the cheaper prices!
    Ashley recently posted..Stacking the Shelves (42)My Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    I loved Ten Tiny Breaths too!!!!!
    Yeah, I get the price change too – but still.. some publishers remain the lower price like with “Taking Chances” and “From Ashes”. So, why can they do this and not others?
    Plus.. I think it highly depends on the deal. Most of the deals do not include new covers or even new deep edits, so why the increase?
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  5. I think its pretty awesome cause more people are willing to pick up indie books. They figure if they’re good enough for the publishing houses they can try them and hopefully this leads to them branching out and trying some that haven’t been picked up by pubs.
    On the other hand I think that some new indie authors may get some unrealistic ideas.
    I also hate that the price goes up so much but I understand that now there are WAY more people to be paid.
    Personally I prefer to just buy indie books. I don’t hesitate to spend that .99 cents or so but once its picked up by publishers it’s too expensive for me. As an ebook anyway. I haven’t yet, but I would consider buying it in paperback at $10 or less.
    Candace recently posted..Saturday Situation ~ Link Up Your Reviews & Give@ways!My Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Yes, I truly think it might truly give the wrong ideas. Authors try to publish a New Adult book, because right now that’s the trend and have high hopes to get picked up. but, look at all these shining stars? They are professionally edited and have a great cover – so these authors truly knew the business!

    And I often buy books for 99 just because – there are some great books. But more then 3.99? It must be really..REALLY good!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  6. I’m not that into self-published books. I just can’t stand them, because they lack a lot in story-development or writing skills (the self-pubbed books I’ve read so far!). Self-publishing a book is definitely a good way to become an author and I would encourage writers to choose that path for a chance to get picked up by a major publishing house. But, under the condition, that the publisher does treat the book like a new manuscript and not just copy its content without the whole editing process. I wouldn’t want to see publishers ditch their high standards for money and fame only! Very interesting debate you’ve started here. Thank you!
    Miss-Page-Turner recently posted..Book Review: The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie KagawaMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    You know I think most of the books are just re-published. No new editing process, often not even a new cover.

    I was burned myself for some time with Indie’s but I also think they learned their lesson and most of them now spend time and money on good editing. Maybe you should give them another try?
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  7. So many of my indie author friends have landed major publishing contracts that I literally can’t keep up with them anymore. I think it’s great!
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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Ah thanks Jeff for your input and YES it’s crazy to see how many people get a new deal…. It’s an amazing time being an self-published author – with or without “big” deal. I think it’s a good time for all self-pub authors because people are beginning to see Indie’s under a new light!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  8. I LOVE this for many reasons. Indie authors work REALLY hard, usually while doing another full-time job, to get their works out there. So to see this kind of recognition happening for people I consider friends makes me more than a little giddy for them. I also believe the more indies who have this kind of success the stigma around being an indie author is lessened. Yes, there are some stinkers out there (thank goodness for sampling) but I’d like to think that’s more of an exception than the rule with the indies I know.

    As to the pricing comments, the ladies I know who have gone traditional from indie aren’t happy with the ebook prices either.
    Heather Self (@heatherself) recently posted..Mini-Reviews: Bliss line by Entangled Publishing*My Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Indie’s are often writer, publicists and marketing specialists in one person! It’s crazy what they all need to consider and I love to see them having such a success!
    I also feel like the quility is getting better and better. authors know people will complain about bad editing!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  9. I used to be against self published books, but I’ve read so many great ones lately that wouldn’t have been otherwise published because they were NA, I’ve changed my mind. I’m planning to self publish, but I will have the book professionally edited first (and I don’t just mean the copy editing that many SP authors go for without considering the other two types of editing). I do plan to query my book–while it’s out with the editor. Why this way? Because agents can take months to get to you, so I’d rather not waste time when I can get feedback from a freelance editor sooner. And deep down, I know I’ll end up self publishing. There are too few agents currently looking for NA for me to think otherwise.

    Great post!
    Stina Lindenblatt recently posted..Valentine’s Day PostMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    YES that sounds awesome! I think it’s so worth it to spend money on good editing! People will see and recognize this! I feel for you authors who are dying to hear back from an agent and are waiting for month and month… This must be horrible!
    I wish you the biggest success with your book! YEAH!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  10. This is just fabulous news for Ten Tiny Breaths and Reason to Breathe. I read Reason to Breathe right after it first came out and have TTB on my Kindle ready to read next.

    Anyone who believes that self-published books lack depth or aren’t very good, should read anything by Colleen Hoover. 🙂 Hopeless was anything but lacking in depth. Yes there still are some books which lack a lot more than depth that are getting published due to the ease of self-publishing platforms. But they are the exception rather than the rule and most of the time, they don’t get very far in the rankings.

    If you’re self-publishing your work and it’s good enough, you will get noticed!

    Great post, Danny!

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    You must read TTB… it’s sooo damn awesome, I know you’ll love it!

    Gosh Coleen Hoover is such an amazing example… I LOVE her book and they made me cry so heart!! Can’t wait for her next book!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  11. Danny-
    Yes, this does seem to be happening more or are we just hearing about it more, I don’t know. The first one I heard about was Susan Ee with Angelfall. Excellent book if you haven’t read it. I guess the first really big news was Amanda Hocking, but she really didn’t need the publisher. I’m not sure what her marketing was in the beginning but by the time I was blogging people were telling me to read her so she had a big audience by 2010.

    I read a lot of self published authors just because they ask me to read their work. I have a lot waiting to be read, but I can usually tell within the first chapter if it’s a great author that someone should have scooped up or someone that should stay on the 99 cents bin. But I know some authors choose to self publish because they get more of the profits, more control, yes they have to do marketing, but in talking to authors at signings, they have to market their books as well. Only a few really big books get marketing budgets according to what I’m hearing.

    I’d be interested in what the authors say.

    hrose2931 recently posted..Blog Tour- Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye by Shari A. BradyMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    I totally forgot about Amanda.. OF COURSE!!! She’s the self pub queen!, How could I forgot her.

    Ahh and I need to read Angelfall… I heard so many amazing things! ( I even have a copy…)

    And you are right… Only the big big titles get marketing. I remember Wendy Higgins even though she is published with Harper Teen she only gets very little marketing back( So sad!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  12. When I first started blogging I read a lot of Indie books. And while some of them were really bad… There were some really good ones. KA Tucker’s first series was one of my faves! And she’s my fave author!!! I haven’t read TTB because normally I don’t read Contemporary but I had purchased it before Atria published so it will be my first leap!
    Bookluvr Mindy recently posted..Impatiently Waiting! Teardrop by Lauren KateMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Hahe me too… I the beginning I read tons of Indie and then.. I stopped. There was a wave of really bad ones so I refused. But since a few month I’m full blown back into reading them and I LOVE it!! I love that they are cheap and I can go and buy and do not need to think twice about the price!

    Oh and … please read TTB .. it#s soo awesome!!
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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  13. I have to be honest, it totally does make me interested when I hear that a publisher has picked up an indie book. But honestly, the best endorsement is when I hear a glowing review from a blogger I respect. Then I usually click and buy the book immediately from the page (bonus, it’s usually inexpensive too!).

    I’m so glad more bloggers are taking chances on indie authors, because it means they can rise up and gain an audience that might get them in the door when they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten in.

    Wonderful post! Love these kinds of discussions about New Adult and trends. 🙂
    Alice recently posted..Spotlight: Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board by Zoe Aarsen + GiveawayMy Profile

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    Danny 2/18/2013

    Hehe Alice- yes I’m the same. I hear a book as been acquired. I probably go and get a copy 🙂 I do the same and often buy the copy when I read a review from a trusted blogger. Plus, I easily click when it’s only 99 or 2.99 – I never think twice about this.
    Danny recently posted..From Ashes by Molly McAdams &#8211; New Adult Monday&#8217;sMy Profile

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