Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee Carter

Posted 13 March, 2012 by Danny in Blog, Danny, Danny's Book Review / 33 Comments

Goddess Interrupted

Book II in the Goddess Test series.
Genre: YA paranormal, Greek mythology
Publication: March 27th 2012 by HarlequinTeen
copy received from publisher via NetGalley
synopsis from goodreads

Kate Winters has won immortality.

But if she wants a life in the Underworld with Henry, she’ll have to fight for it.

Becoming immortal wasn’t supposed to be the easy part. Though Kate is about to be crowned Queen of the Underworld, she’s as isolated as ever. And despite her growing love for Henry, ruler of the Underworld, he’s becoming ever more distant and secretive. Then, in the midst of Kate’s coronation, Henry is abducted by the only being powerful enough to kill him: the King of the Titans.

As the other gods prepare for a war that could end them all, it is up to Kate to save Henry from the depths of Tartarus. But in order to navigate the endless caverns of the Underworld, Kate must enlist the help of the one person who is the greatest threat to her future.

Henry’s first wife, Persephone

Well, this was a very pleasant and awesome surprise! While I liked the first one, I had some slight issues with it which you can read in my review I posted together with cutie. However, I was intrigued and enthralled enough that I wanted to read the next one too!

Everything is not… so … peachy!

Kate comes back after spending her 6 month upstairs. But if she expected to be welcomed with open arms by her soon-to-be husband Henry – she’s mistaken…  Not only has he had to deal with something enormous and threatening but he also grew more distant. But Kate wouldn’t be Kate if she would let go without a fight or without trying to help!

Kate – brave, selfless and a wonderful heroine

I loved Kate! Kate is still the brave and selfless heroine I got to meet in the first book. I admire her for never giving up hope, even when it seems there is no hope at all. No matter what Kate stays strong! Really, she the perfect heroine who fights for what she loves but would be ready to let go if she feels it is the right thing to do. Underneath, though, there is still the little girl who wants to be loved and this is sometimes so heartrendingly sweet and innocent . She’s a strong fighter, but when it comes to love, very vulnerable! Loved the combination!

Henry – ruler of the Death and … a complicated man!

I was not very fond of him in the first book, I felt he was too soft and I didn’t feel the spark between Kate and Henry at all. He was too nice for the Ruler of the Underworld and I wanted him to be more edgy. In Goddess Interrupted, he grew on me! He showed some strength I always hoped was there but never saw. I guess I understand him and his character now better. The way he treated Kate was seriously heartbreaking and I admit having water in my eyes so many times. And although it was torture for Kate, I felt this part of their relation was important and needed for the story and their relationship, as torturous as it was!

Round plot with war, love, romance, tears and wonderful characters!

Don’t get me wrong, the romance and the love was not the main and only storyline in the book! So much more is happening right along with it. Remember I mentioned the life threatening situation? Yep, there is a lot going on with Kate having to be super brave. For me a very strong aspect however was the growing relationship between Henry and Kate. And be aware it was heartbreaking!!! It seriously broke my heart so many times and I had tears in my eyes so much… But, we also get to meet another very important character and she was a very interesting person so say at least..
Bewitched Rating: 

Bottom Line

This was such an emotional ride!!! I had water in my eyes so many times! Goddess Interrupted was a phenomenal sequel, way better than the first. As I hoped, this is a series that will get better and better. I loved this book and I’m ready for the next one!
Additional Notes: 
There is a short story The Goddess Hunt out now which is set in between Book I: The Goddess Test and Book II: Goddess Interrupted. I love novellas like this, especially because I think they make it easier to get back into a story after a year of waiting and being a sweet bridge between the books!


Much Love,
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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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33 Responses to “Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee Carter”

  1. Christina Fiorelli

    I got a big old smile on my face when I clicked on the link and there was a whole crowd of dolls for the rating!! (I love them, BTW)

    And it’s great that the second book is so awesome!

    Reply »

    Danny 3/13/2012

    *giggles* This makes me so soooo happy :)))

    Yep, I’m really happy the second book is even better, I really enjoyed the book!
    Danny recently posted..Trailer Premiere: Spectral by Shannon DuffyMy Profile

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  2. I still need to get started on this series. I just love the covers! I actually got the first one from Netgalley but I kept hearing there were all these editing errors with that version so I was nervous to even bother for fear of it ruining the book.

    But I’ll get to it one of these days. 🙂 Great review!!

    ♥ Sarah @ I’m Loving Books
    Sarah recently posted..Review: Pure by Jennifer L. ArmentroutMy Profile

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    Danny 3/13/2012

    The covers are gorgeous aren’t they? Love them!! I have no idea about those editing errors, but that’s the good thing with me being German, I don’t see these kind of things…

    But I really think you might enjoy them, specially after I liked this second book so much..
    Danny recently posted..Trailer Premiere: Spectral by Shannon DuffyMy Profile

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  3. Awwwww, I want to read this book so badly! I ADORED the first book so much (although I did feel like Henry was the sweetest and softest version of Hades ever LOL!) and I’m glad that this one surprised you in a good way! I love how you said that there’s more to this than the romance, because even though that’s a big part of it, it’s so true that there’s more to the story than Henry and Kate falling in love!

    Awesome review, Danny! I’m even more excited to read this than I was before now! 😉
    Mimi Valentine recently posted..Review: AbandonMy Profile

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    Danny 3/13/2012

    Rofl, wasn’t he a total softie??? I was so surprised that Aimee Carter showed him so soft and this was one of the biggest problem I had with the first book. Which is why I loved this second one so much, it really made me fall slowly for Henry- he still could be a little more bad ass for me though:)
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  4. Glad you enjoyed this one Danny! I still had some trouble with Kate in this one, as bad as I felt for her at times, I just wanted her to tell Henry how she felt! I feel like I understood Henry a bit more in this one too, so I found him a bit more intriguing than I did in the first one. I also liked that the mythology seemed to be a bigger element, it was missing a bit in The Goddess Test:) Awesome review my friend!

    Reply »

    Danny 3/13/2012

    It was sooo heartbreaking!! But I get why she didn’t tell him, she wanted him to love her without having to push him. I was more mad at Henry for being so damn distant!

    I’m glad you seem to like Henry now also a little more, I really think I might have misunderstood him. But, I think he still could get a little more bad-assery…
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  5. GAH I feel so out of the loop I have to get to reading this series. I’ve read like 3 reviews of this sequel today (I know I shouldn’t when I haven’t read the first but meh haha), and I’m getting really intrigued. I love mythology since I read Percy so I’m itching for a new good one. It’s awesome that the characters grew and made the ones who weren’t so fond of turn around and make you like em. Great review Danny! 🙂

    Reply »

    Danny 3/13/2012

    lool, yes reading reviews from sequels either spoils you too much or intrigues you. I hope you might now consider reading them.

    The mythology is in the sequel even more prominent than in the first. The first one has a big surpsirse moment at the end. (Some people figured that out earlier, .. me not, lol so I had the fun moment.)

    Thanks Giselle, I’m glad you enjoyed reading my ramblings:)
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  6. Hi Danny,
    Glad the sequel exceeded your expectations. I passed on this one, but now I am wishng I hadn’t. I am curious about the emotional roller coaster aspects. I may have to find time to squeeze it in after all!
    Heidi recently posted..Tell Me Something TuesdayMy Profile

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    Danny 3/13/2012

    I was close to leave it out myself since I liked the first one but wasn’t blown away. I’m happy I did read it, I was so in love with the book I couldn’t read fast enough! It’s not a big book, so maybe you do find time to squeeze it in:)
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  7. I have to be honest I only read the bottom line of your review because I was afraid to read spoilers .. I”m really glad you liked this one that much Danny 🙂 !! I so have to pick up a copy of The Goddest Test because this series sounds amazing !!

    Reply »

    Danny 3/13/2012

    *giggles* Don’t worry hon, I often do the same with sequels! But, I always try to be as spoiler free as possible so I think it would have been save to read!

    But please, go and pick up The Goddess Test and then right away this one – it’s a sweet and awesome series that definitely deserves some attention!!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  8. Can’t say I loved the Goddess Test but am intrigued to continue with this series! Thanks for the review! And I LOVEEE your blog:)
    Fran recently posted..The Catastrophic History of You and Me by Jess RothenbergMy Profile

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    Danny 3/13/2012

    Thank you Fran! and… I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first book myself – but I’m glad I gave it a chance because I was surprised I loved it so much!
    Danny recently posted..Trailer Premiere: Spectral by Shannon DuffyMy Profile

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  9. Kristin

    That’s so awesome to hear that the second one is so much better. I liked the first but someone gave away a huge twist in a review and I looked at the back and found out another twist (I didn’t read the end of the book, just some extra notes about the characters) so nothing was too surprising, but I still enjoyed it.

    I pre-ordered this so I really can’t wait to get it and read it now!

    Reply »

    Danny 3/13/2012

    Oh no! Really? who would do this?! Seriously, this takes away the fun in reading reviews. How can you spoil something like this? That is so sad and .. also not necessary!!

    I’m happy though you are going to read the next one now without knowing all the details!
    Danny recently posted..Review: Goddess Interrupted by Amee CarterMy Profile

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  10. After reading so many reviews on this one where people really didn’t like it I’m glad to see someone thought it was a great book. I haven’t read the first book yet but with all the so-so reviews on the sequel I was starting to have my doubts about the series.

    Thanks for the great review!
    Alexa recently posted..Embrace Tour: Author InterviewMy Profile

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    Danny 3/13/2012

    I’m being honest, I haven’t read too many reviews about this one yet. Specially when my review is not written I tempt to stay away from other reviews.

    I’m happy my enthusiastic review gave you back a little hope in the series, it really was great!
    Danny recently posted..Trailer Premiere: Spectral by Shannon DuffyMy Profile

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  11. I didn’t start this series b/c there were so many mixed reviews about the first book. Now it looks like I might want to start it. I love mythology! So, I’ll put these 3 on my to buy list! That was an awesome and very convincing review! Good job! I really like the way you broke everything down!

    hrose2931 recently posted..Interview with Rachel Morgan author of Guardian Bk 1 (Creepy Hollow)My Profile

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    Danny 3/15/2012

    Yep I was torn myself with the first one, but I’m do glad I gave it another shit with the sequel. The sequel was so much better!! Hope you’re going to like them!!

    Reply »

  12. I’m really excited to read this one. I’m glad you like Henry better this time. I was quite fond of him – more than I was of Kate. But she grew on me by the end of the first book so hopefully I’ll continue to like her.
    Alison recently posted..How to Get Past a Blogger SlumpMy Profile

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    Danny 3/15/2012

    You are like cutie, when we reviewed it together I was cheering for Kate and Cutie for Henry. But if you liked him before, I’m sure you’ll like him even better now!!

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