Interview and Give-Aways: Aubrie Dionne author of Paradise 21

Posted 24 August, 2011 by Danny in / 14 Comments

Hello there, dear reader!! Today it is my immense pleasure to present Aubrie Dionne, author of Paradise 21 (among many other books). She’s graciously agreed to stop by and answer a few questions about herself and her book, Paradise 21 (which I reviewed yesterday). So without further ado, may I present Aubrie Dionne!

Pushy: Aubrie, thank you so much for stopping by Bewitched Bookworms! I have enjoyed reading your book so much. Your characters are so vibrant and full, particularly Striker whom I adored and Barliss who was so bad he was good!

Who was your favorite character to write in Paradise 21?

Aubrie: Tiff was, by far, the most enjoyable to write. She was so vibrant I had to tone her down, because she started to steal the show from the others. Tiff is one of the most flawed characters I’ve ever written, but I loved her. Underneath her tough exterior she had a compassionate heart and a raw vulnerability. I’m glad she got what she deserved in the end!

Pushy: Oh, Tiff was fantastic!! And I would so love to read more about her story!

Now, you’ve mentioned that you had planned for Paradise 21 to be part of a series and that the next book will be about another one of the Paradise ships, Paradise 18. Do you have plans for this series beyond the sequel, Tundra 37, or are you looking forward to other projects?

Aubrie: Oh yes! I have a third book, Haven 6, which will take place on Refuge, and deal with Aries and Striker’s descendants. The aliens will be there as well!

Other than that, I’m also writing a novella, A Hero Rising, which chronicles the fall of Earth as the colony ships leave. This is told from Striker’s great-great-great-grandfather’s point of view. I’m very excited about this one, because I get to write about a true hero. And it has zombies. Hehe.

Besides the third book and the novella, I also have a YA/New Adult trilogy told from the great granddaughter of Lieutenant Barliss as the New Dawn reaches Paradise 21. I just finished up edits with my awesome agent.

Pushy: Wow!! There’s a lot there for fans of Paradise 21 to look forward to!!

As I mentioned in my review yesterday, I loved the mix of sci-fi and romance in Paradise 21. But if you could branch out into any other genre, what would it be?

Aubrie: I love to write fantasy romance. I’ve tried writing horror, but nothing I wrote was particularly scary. With A Hero Rising, I’m trying for sci fi romance with a little bit of horror involved!

Pushy: Very cool!

If you could trade places with any of your characters, which one would you trade with or are you happy with your life? Why?

Aubrie: I’m happy with my life! I’ve worked hard to develop my flute career and my writing career, and I have a loving husband and a great extended family, so I’d stay right where I am. Although, a trip to Hawaii now and then would be nice.

Pushy: Agreed! And it sounds as if you must have a pretty busy life, between being a full time music professor and writer. Can you tell us what a typical day in your life is like?

Aubrie: I write in the mornings, then I practice flute for an hour or two before work. I typically work 3-8 every day. On Fridays I work all day at the University. After work I write in the evenings before I go to bed. On weekends, I either have gigs, visit family, or I work on my writing. I’m pretty much working all the time. But it’s all stuff I enjoy doing, so it’s not really “work” per se.

Pushy: Wow, that does sound busy. But fulfilling! Well, thank you so much for stopping by, Aubrie! It’s been a pleasure to chat with you!

Aubrie: Thank you so much for having me! Great questions. :0)

Ok, dear reader, so don’t forget to go here to get the full scoop on Paradise 21, why it’s so great and where you can get your copy.


Now it’s time for the give-aways!!!

First….I’m happy to be able to give away a copy of one of Aubrie’s previous works:

and a signed post card.

To enter, just leave a comment telling me your favorite genre to mix romance with. Is it YA? Paranormal? Horror? Sci-fi? Historical??

Leave your answer with your email address and you’re entered to win any one of the books shown above!

But wait……….

Each comment will also be entered to win a set of lovely necklaces designed by Aubrie herself!!!

So let me know how you like your romance and get entered to win!! Winners will be announced on Tuesday, August 30th. US/Canada only.

Now go and get lost…in a book!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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14 Responses to “Interview and Give-Aways: Aubrie Dionne author of Paradise 21”

  1. nightlyreading

    Hi Pushy!
    My favorite would have to be YA. I love me a little romance mixed in with my YA books! LOL
    great interview Aubrie! I am so hoping to win one of your books! Good luck!

    Reply »

  2. Ingrid Seymour

    Hi Pushy! I love your website, 'cause I'm always looking for some new YA to read. I can't enough of the stuff 🙂 I like mixing paranormal with romance. That's my thing. I hope I win. I've never entered one of those.

    Btw, I love your reviews. I need to go all over them and find me my next thing to read!

    ibustama at msn dot com.


    Ingrid Seymour

    Reply »

  3. Julie Witt

    Great interview!! I'm so glad to hear that you have so many projects in the works, Aubrie!! More great books to look forward to:) I like my romance mixed with a little YA paranormal, although I like historical romances as well 😀
    jwitt33 at live dot com

    Reply »

  4. ruby95660

    I like my romance mixed with the paranormal. For example I love the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. they are amazing! And I'd love to read these novels. They sound really interesting.


    Reply »

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