a wing & a prayer: cutie’s corner

Posted 11 August, 2011 by Danny in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

Well hello there.
I must confess I have no idea what to blog about.
To say I’m wingin’ this post is putting it lightly.
[edited for incoherent rambling]
Where was I?
Oh yes. 
This post is going to be a mess.
In fact, I’m purdy darn sure there will not be a single book
review included in this post. 
What shall I talk about instead?
How ’bout five random things
that are on my mind at this exact moment in time.
Yerp. No need to thank me, friends.
I’m just a giver.
 Without further ado, I present to you:
five things cutie is thinkin’ ’bout…

1. true blue
In two weeks time this shall be me.
Well, obviously I’m not going to be a baby.
I will, however, have blue hair extensions.
 To say I’m excited is to sell it short.
It’s been my life goal to one day have blue hair.
 Clearly, I’m going places in life.

 2. songs that make for smiling

Tetrastar just makes me heart happy.
This is all.

3. movies that are surprisingly not all that bad

I don’t even know how to…
I liked it. 
There, I said it.
4. nom nom nom

The bestie (kg) shared this amazing recipe for Butterbeer with me.
And can I just say it is delightfully delicious.
Make it and throw on a Potter flick,
you shall not be disappointed.
5. errrr….

in summation:
me vs four kids
all day long 
with no breaks
for 60 plus days
equals post like this.
Is the summer over yet? 

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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One Response to “a wing & a prayer: cutie’s corner”

  1. kgistheboss

    I adore you. I want blue hair, I like red riding hood an I don't care who knows it, I'm typing this on my phone which is really awkward and I need some butterbeer. random comment over and out.ps…I started reading The Body Finder.

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