SHOW ME THE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 11 December, 2010 by Danny in / 3 Comments

Oh yes….we Bookworms LOVE the FREE!!!!

You know, those awesome free eBooks that come your way?
Maybe you were intrigued by a freebie (or twelve) on Amazon….
Maybe you won one in a contest or promotion….
Maybe you were lucky enough to be asked by an author to read their work…

No matter how we got them, we love them all!!!


The downside about books on your eReader is that you get them
but then something shiny and new comes along
and sometimes they get pushed to the side…..

Not that we love them any less, but without their physical presence
on a chair, bedside table or kitchen counter (yes, I have books there!)
they can be forgotten.

Well, let them languish no longer!!

Missie over at The Unread Reader is challenging
to read them!

And the Bookworms feel up to the challenge!

Over the course of 2011, we the Bookworms pledge to read at least 12
(but hopefully far more than that)
eBooks that we have received for free.

Want to know which books we’ll be reading for the challenge?

Check out this widget of awesome:

Show Me The Free!

Mid-Afternoon: The Overhyped, Ultra-Sexy, Chilling, Frightening, Blood-Curling Tale Regarding the Latter Day Vampires

A Little Death In Dixie

His Lady Mistress

They Almost Always Come Home

The Redhead Revealed

Light Of Eidon

Bright of the Sky


Immortals: The Crossing

Shadow Fall

The Haunted E-book

Bewitched Bookworms’s favorite books »

So if you think you’re up for the challenge, join us and Missie over at The Unread Reader! And keep an eye out for reviews on these books and more in 2011 right here at Bewitched Bookworms!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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3 Responses to “SHOW ME THE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. I thought I would feel that way too…and then I got my Kindle for my birthday. It doesn't replace my love for actual books, it's more like when I listen to books on my iPod…another way to enjoy. Plus, when I travel it's LOVELY to have dozens of books to choose from right in my purse. I'm not sure it's for everyone, but I definitely enjoy mine. 🙂

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