Happy Birthday, Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 12 August, 2010 by Danny in / 15 Comments

Today is one of our favorite bloggy-girl’s birthday!!!


We love Danny so much,
from blog that she writes as Mrs. Vanquish
where she used to tease us with
lovely RPattz videos such as this:

to her latest work as the amazing designer of blogs such as this:

to her MANY fabulous book reviews!

She’s so much fun to have around
and we’re so very grateful to call her our friend!

Thank you so much
for being such a wonderful friend
and we wish you
the happiest of birthdays,

If you would like to help us celebrate Danny’s birthday on Twitter, please feel free to change your twitter icon to the following for the day!


Uhyesplease and Pushy

PS – The lovely erikasbuddy was thoughtful enough to pass along this scrumptious present….ENJOY!!!!

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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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15 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Danny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. *giggles* and *sigh* The Freedom video… how much fun I had doing this!

    Thanks my lovely friends for this sweet Birthday shout out!! The Twitter avi is perfection,
    all the things I love: my iPad and the Bookworms!!!!

    Oh and Greta: Gosh girl a Highlander birthday wish? I hope he's on the way and arrives soon?

    *sniffles* and blows a kiss to all of you!

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes!
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  2. Greta

    Happy Birthday Danny!! Yes yes! You should be getting your plaid broody at any moment 😉 Be checking your mail 🙂

    HAppy bday!!

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