Well, isn’t that pushy day today!?

Posted 18 May, 2010 by Danny in / 0 Comments

Glitter Text Generator at TextSpace.net
Don’t we love glitter, sparkle Birthday messages?
We do, but I think
pushy loves them even more!
The Bookworms wish you the best and sweetest
and lovelies birthday!
Here are your wishes:

Dearest Foxy Lady,
A little song dedication from me to you:

Yeah, um…
Bet ya never knew I felt that way did ya?
*winks slyly*
Have a beautiful birthday, my dear friend.
P.S.: cutie wanted me just to embed the song, but I was just to stupid to do that,instead you get a whole video.. *giggles* cutie, Sorry Sweetie I hope you are fine with my choice

fragile little human



10 reasons why I love you
(in non particular order)

1. You bring a smile on my face every day we chat when you wake up.
2. You drink coffee ( this is important!)
3. You do sooo much organizing stuff here at the Bookworms!
4. You send me the cutest surprise package ever!
5. You were one of my first Follower on the Vanquish blog and on Twitter
6. You also were one of the first commenter
7. You correct all my stupid posts and never ever say anything!
8. You love glitter text
9. You listen to me whatever I have to get out of my chest!
10. You are *sniffles* just YOU!

Glitter Text Generator at TextSpace.net
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Obsessive Reader by Night - Scientist at Day! You can also find me on goodreads. I'd love to get to know you so, don't be shy and say Hello!

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