Review: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris

Posted 21 May, 2010 by Danny in / 12 Comments

Dead in the Family

Publication Date: May 4, 2010
Publisher: Ace Hardcover
Book Description (

After enduring torture and the loss of loved ones during the brief but deadly Faery War, Sookie Stackhouse is hurt and she’s angry. Just about the only bright spot in her life is the love she thinks she feels for vampire Eric Northman. But he’s under scrutiny by the new Vampire King because of their relationship. And as the political implications of the Shifters coming out are beginning to be felt, Sookie’s connection to the Shreveport pack draws her into the debate. Worst of all, though the door to Faery has been closed, there are still some Fae on the human side-and one of them is angry at Sookie. Very, very angry…

Our Thoughts:

Heather: The tenth book in the Southern Vampires series seemed like Charlaine Harris read her message board and noted what fans have been asking about the books. And she answered these questions in the form of a new Sookie book. The problem is that some of the questions she answered were the inane, unimportant queries. Like what’s in Sookie’s attic? While as a big fan of these books and a frequent visitor to her site’s message boards, this approach makes for a choppy book. This book doesn’t seem to have one overall plot except for the importance of family ties. It seems like a handful of different smaller plots were mashed together.
Danny: Truly, I have to agree.Sookie had to heal and changed quite a bit and we all had to adjust with her. For me it felt more like the book that takes up the end of the last book and opens a new plot line for the upcoming book. I think specially the plot line with the new king seems like what we have to expect from the next book.
Heather: I was surprised with the change in Sookie after her torture in the last book. Over the course of this book, she starts to act like a supe when in dire situations, and less like a human. I’m not going to spoil the book, but you will know what I mean when you read it.

What I really loved: Eric and Sookie finally proclaiming their love for each other, Jason’s maturity, the influx of family for all of the main characters, Charlaine Harris’ fearlessness in taking an historical figure and doing what she wants with his character, learning more about Claude.
Danny: This was really lovely, we see much more from the relationship between Eric and Sookie and finally, finally we read the big Love word!!! It was about time! Claude became a truly interesting character and I’m sure we will see more of him in the next book. He really was the big surprise character for me!

Heather: What I didn’t love: Lack of Bill, the situation with the new cook at Merlotte’s (It’s getting to South Park proportions like killing Kenny), some of Sookie’s evolution.
Danny: I really found Bill’s side story rather interesting, it seems like CH wants to get rid of Bill ( at least for Sookie) but give him at the same time a good ending. I’m curious about how this story goes on in the next book. And really, did you miss Bill???

Heather:It’s entertaining and fun read, but doesn’t move Sookie’s story forward too much. This is a book for long time fans of Charlaine Harris and will enjoy all of the previous books’ loose ends that this one ties up.
Our final Verdict
We give this book 4 out of 5 books
a really entranced book and a must-read
for all Sookie and Eric fans!

So what did you think?
Did you read it, or just watching the show?
(Btw, we are sooooo excited for season 3..soooo much!!)

What did you think about Sookie and Eric?
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12 Responses to “Review: Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris”

  1. Some of the things you didn't like about the book were things I did. I liked that it was a quiet story with time for regrouping and reassessing after the trauma of the last book. I liked catching up with favorite characters. I liked seeing that Sookie has been changed by her experiences. I am saddened that she seems to have lost some of her "perkiness" but I think a lot of that was always put on. Now the real, adult Sookie is starting to show. I don't have access to the TV show but I eagerly buy the DVDs of each season.

    Just hopping by this Saturday morning to say hello. If you get a chance, check out my blog at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and enter my 100 follower contest.

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  2. Hey Kathy, Oh we both loved the book a lot!!
    I can't watch True Blood either on TV since I'm in Germany but, well let's just say I watch them as soon as they are shown on TV.
    I can't wait for June 13th to start season 3! The show is fantastic and awesomeness !

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  3. Great review!

    I too would have loved to see more of Sookie and Eric together. But I didn't miss Bill- can't stand the dude. If CH wants to write him out of the series entirely, it wouldn't break my heart.

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  4. Awesome review, ladies. Not much to add, really. Being a huge fan of Sookie/Eric pairing myself, I was extremely happy that this book was "one of those" in the series. I can't say that I was disappointed, but it did lack the fire that some of the other ones possessed in the love department. Yes, the big L word was mentioned here and there, but otherwise, Eric and Sookie appear like a long-married couple, who are affectionate but slightly bored with each other. I absolutely loved the certain historical character who shows up in this book, and felt like crying out with Sookie "You did not!" 🙂 All in all I enjoyed reading the book, it was like a nice family reunion (no pun intended), comfortable, familiar and safe. But hopefully next book will be more "eventful" and passionate. And please-please-please Mrs. Harris, don't make Sookie fall in love with a Centaur or some other random supe 😉
    My recent post Dead in the Family – Review on Goodreads

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  5. I finally finished the book this morning. All in all I was kind of disappointed with the book. I didn't really think that it added anything to the series as a whole. And while I realize that True Blood is separate, I have to say that Alan Ball's maker for Eric was way better than Charlaine's. I just couldn't get into this guy and the historical figure. I need more Pam. And yes, I could have used more Eric/Sookie action, but what I really needed was a plot. I wanted to go after Victor. And the whole Bill storyline…seriously…she wrote it in and then once it was tidied up we never heard another word about it. Oh well. I don't really care for him, but it seems kind of a rough send-off. I did enjoy the book, but I guess I was just expecting something a little more riveting.

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